Optical Dispensing Assistant for the iPad

Optical Dispensing Assistant is the ideal adjunct for a technologically savvy optical business. Combined with an iPad with camera, Optical Dispensing Assistant provides two tools in one:


A digital mirror to allow your patients to view four photographs of themselves at once, with a quick tap to switch to full-screen on each photo.

Lens markup

A lens measuring tool that rivals the latest in technological equipment from the major lens suppliers.
By using the gyroscope and accelerometer of the iPad 2, Optical Dispensing Assistant guides you to take a perfectly straight and level image of a patient wearing their spectacles.

Frame Guides
Using easy-to-use guides, you then position the guides over the pupils and frame edges. Once the frame details are entered, Optical Dispensing Assistant will provide you with accurate monocular PD and heights measurements.

Version 2, coming soon, includes the ability to measure minimum lens diameter required for cut-out and demonstrate bifocal and multifocal reading zones.

Photographs can be emailed, printed or saved to the iPad camera roll. Use the email feature so that your customers can show their family and friends what their spectacles will look like, and include your practice details on the email.

Configuring Optical Dispensing Assistant
The screen title, email subject and email body can all be modified by changing the settings in the iPad’s Settings app.

Demonstration Videos
View demonstration videos here.